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Dept of Philosophy and History of Science, University of Athens, University Campus, Athens 15771, Greece
99.95 Kb. 1
Types of BonesTypes of Bones
Injuries are common in the sports arena and a brief outline of the sports injuries, their symptoms, causes, precautions and treatment are listed for the benefit of the students
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Categories and Noumena: Two Kantian Axes of Sellars’s Thought Part I: On the Way to a Theory of the CategoriesCategories and Noumena: Two Kantian Axes of Sellars’s Thought Part I: On the Way to a Theory of the Categories
Several decades ago, Richard Rorty suggested that philosophical admirers of Wilfrid Sellars could be divided into two schools, defined by which of two famous passages from his masterwork “Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind” are taken to express his most
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Tez özetleri Astronomi ve Uzay Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı 1Tez özetleri Astronomi ve Uzay Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı 1
Gauss barındırdıkları düşünülen genç ve izole nötron yıldızlarıdır. Ancak bugüne kadar kaynakların yüzey manyetik alan şiddetleri direkt olarak ölçülememiştir
0.98 Mb. 22
Electronic excitations of small clusters of C60Electronic excitations of small clusters of C60
A. L. Montero-Alejoa,b, E. Menéndez-Proupinb,c, M. E. Fuentesd, A. Delgadoe,f, f-p montfortsg, L. A. Monteroa and J. M. García de la Vegab
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